What if all of your students were thriving and distractions were at a minimum?

What would your classroom feel like if every student was calm and attentive and focused?

To be able to teach without the distractions of inattentive students and behavior problems is what teachers strive for. While we will never be able to eliminate all of the issues, through an understanding of the impact of trauma on our students, we can remedy many. ACEs In Education can give you the training and tools to meet even your most distressed students needs, while allowing you to do what you do best, TEACH!


Professional development

ACEs in Education will provide your staff with professional development. We offer 90-minute, half-day, or full-day presentations on the science of ACEs, the impact of trauma on students’ brains and behavior, and how teachers can create a more trauma-sensitive classroom.

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Teaching workshops

Experience more in-depth learning about the science of toxic stress and ACEs on brain development and discover ways to create a calm classroom with reduced behavior issues and greater focus. The workshops provided time for collaboration and planning to begin to implement trauma-informed practices into your school and classroom.


Looking to grow in the area of trauma-informed education? ACEs in Education offers small-group and one-on-one coaching. Let us help you discover trauma-informed strategies you can easily implement in your classroom and school. ACEs in Education can help you become a trauma-informed leader.